It's quite a long flight to Taiwan from Los Angeles and when we arrived in Taipei we only had a few hours before we were to start scouting. We had to take advantage of every minute we were there! We first went to the Grand Hotel and had breakfast while fighting our jet lag. The drive up the main road revealed a majestic front that is unparalleled anywhere in the world, and the lobby was magnificent.
Needless to say, even in my delirium I was blown away! This is truly one of the most breathtaking places you'll ever see. We had considered shooting there for Agent Kelly's hotel if we were going to shoot the picture in Taiwan...a fine choice on where the Taiwanese government would put an honored guest from the United States!
We continued on with our scout and quickly began to realize that because Taiwan had become such a developed and rich country it had continually updated it's infrastructure over the years. Our film was set in 1983; here we were in early 2008 and it looked very different! Streets were wider, buildings had been completely refaced, there was a highway that now ran through the center of Taipei that wasn't there previously...this of course was all very difficult for us as it didn't look anything like it did 25 years ago!
We continued on and went south on the train to Kaohsiung, an important location for our story.
The train ride down from Taipei to Kaohsiung took us through the countryside and farmlands of Taiwan. Not only was it beautiful, but it gave us very good references for a sequence in the movie where Jake and Ming travel via the train.
Kaohsiung, like Taipei, is also a thriving, bustling city in the south of Taiwan. Historically, Kaohsiung has been more in favor of Taiwan's independence. We spend a small portion of the movie there so we wanted to see what it looked like in modern times. Like Taipei, it was also significantly more modern looking than it had been in 1983, when our story takes place. We did see some amazing locations there we hadn't expected to see, like this modern Buddhist Temple. It was so spectacular that we wrote it into our initial production draft of the movie that Brian and Nate were working on back home in Los Angeles.
Jake finds Ming praying inside a temple and joins him.
By now our time was up in Taiwan -- we had a very fruitful journey and were now off to Bangkok, Thailand to scout as a possible shooting location. Just as we were leaving our hotels in Taipei, we received the first production draft of the script from Nate via email. We didn't have time to read it as we were heading off to the airport, so we all broke out our laptops on the plane and read our first draft of Formosa Betrayed while on the way to Thailand!